All Episodes

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Bowl Chat - Sweatshirt, Shorts, and a Jacket

Scotty B doesn't believe in wearing jackets. Well, that's half true. He just doesn't believe in wearing long sleeves and shorts combos.

Old Man Mustache Guy

Today we will check out a broken up protein bar from Lara, some Bob's Old Mill Muesli, and some delicious Mini Spooners from Malt-O-Meal! Plus, we'll hear from some musicians you probably never heard of.

Bowl Chat - Early Holiday Shopping

This year holiday shopping could be affected - should we go shopping early to be safe?

The Shark That Won't Die

This week, we'll try a new flavour of Baby Shark Cereal... from Scotland! Plus, a strange Brooklyn Bodega staple, and back to Jamie's box for a new cereal from Clif. All that, and accents from Andrew!

Bowl Chat - A World Without Internet

How old are you? Old enough to remember a world without internet? Yep, so were Scotty B and Andrew (kinda)!

Our Bicentennial

In our 200th episode, we'll skip the fanfare and get right to the awesome (and awful) cereals! All chocolate this time around, and we'll visit stuff we haven't tried from Malt-O-Meal, Quaker and Ikea (vomit).

Bowl Chat - Blackberries, Airplanes and Road Trips... Oh My!

This episode is all over the place. It starts with a discussion on some old technology (Blackberries FTW), then goes to St. Maarten and the low flying airplanes over the beach. Somehow they talk about President Joseph R. Biden's middle name being Robinette, it segways to a quick chat on being religious and it all ends with road trips. So yeah, buckle up and get ready, we discuss it ALL on the longest Bowl Chat episode EVER.

Is It Back??

One of Andrew's favorites is back! Well, kind of. Kellogg's reintroduced Cinnabon in snack packs, but apparently, it's the same as the classic cereal... we'll see! Then some listener supplied entries... one granola and another Peanut Butter & Cocoa cereal.

Bowl Chat - Bowl... Chat?

Bowl Chat goes meta. Yep. We are talking bowls. Toilet bowls, plastic bowls, you name it!

Monster Mash

Well, there is only one new Halloween cereal this year, so guess this is our Halloween episode! We'll try the 50th anniversary monster cereal from General Mills, Monster Mash! Then on to a really good blueberry cereal from Mom's Best, and some disappointing frosted flakes.

Bowl Chat - Working Backstage and Wedding Bops

Scotty and Andrew chat all things backstage at our iHeart Festival. What was Las Vegas like? What did they eat? Listen to hear all the inside scoop. Also, what are some of your favorite "party" songs? Andrew wants to make a party album that will stand the test of time.

Jamie's Box

Every cereal we try today is courtesy of our listener Jamie! We'll try the new Space Jam cereal, along with some Berry Colossal rip off from Malt-O-Meal and a very stubborn bag of cereal from Nature's Path.

Polar Bear

We've lost all control as we try a new Kashi cereal Scotty brought back from Cape Cod, then onto another awful bean cereal, and a listener-supplied, limited-edition cereal from Cleveland.

Bowl Chat - MaSCOTT

Scotty B made Andrew title this episode like that. Hear your two favorite Cereal Killers talk about dressing up as mascots, pasta sauce and even about a mishap with Sawyer (Scotty B's dog).

Boiled Hot Dogs?

We all know Andrew has weird taste... but boiled hot dogs? Find out which cereal he thinks tastes like a wiener – will it be the new Clif Blueberry Cereal? Or maybe the Maple Pecan Granola or fake Fruit Rings he bought in the Grand Canyon? Spoiler alert... nothing tastes like a friggin' hot dog.


It's another all-listener supplied cereal episode! We'll try a new flavor of RX Cereal with SO MANY BERRIES! Then some fake Apple Jacks, Cap'n Crunch, and Resses Puffs. Plus, all your favorite Scotty & Andrew back and forth!

Bowl Chat - Double U, Double U, Double U

Scotty B gives us some of his elocution lessons from long ago. Also, Andy and Scotty think they found their new radio names.

Jurassic Andy

You get 4 cereals today! We'll try the new Corn Flakes Cinnamon from Kellogg's, then 3 store brands. Plus... Scotty never saw Jurassic Park? Really???

Bowl Chat - Cheeses, Chain Restaurants and Slimfast

As Scotty B said, this episode is a whole lotta nothing. Listen to us discuss everything from what our favorite chain restaurants are to having Parmesan cheese and honey!

Calcium Is Not A Vitamin

Today we will try the latest in the series of Kellogg's Mashup Cereals... Frosted Flakes & Apple Jacks! Then a bunch of single serve cereals Scotty's daughter stole from summer camp. One of them gets no bowls or spoons! Oh, and Andrew thinks calcium in and of itself is a vitamin.

Bowl Chat - Pizza Sauce

WTF is Pizza Sauce? Scotty B recently ordered pizza and instead of asking for a side of tomato sauce, he asked for pizza sauce. Was he right/wrong to order it that way? You decide.

Andy Won't Eat

Sure... it's a podcast where we eat cereal. Andrew is on a juice cleanse. Makes sense. So, Danielle sits in!!! We’ll try the Cap'n's new Chocolate Caramel Crunch, and since Andrew isn’t eating, we'll just do one more, and it's a cruddy Raisin Bran.

Bowl Chat - What a Mess...

Andrew and Gandhi talk to Scotty B. while out on the road. Hijinks and technical issues ensue. Get ready for the hottest mess of an episode yet!

Rx For Boring Cereal

Another protein bar becomes a cereal, and just doesn’t cut it. Then onto two cereals Scotty found online — one awful, and one just ok. The fun comes when Andrew thinks he’s allergic and gets a "tickle" in his throat.