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Another brand new, before you can buy it cereal review! In a first for Cheerios, there is actually something other than Os in the box...strawberries! Even Andrew likes them! Then onto another berry granola from Clif, and a Crunchberry knock-off from Millville. We were so busy feeding stale cereal to Andrew, we forgot to rate it...4 Bowls for Andrew, and 3 for Scotty.

Secret Squirrel Joel hooks us up with new DunkAroos Cereal from General Mills before it hits stores! Finally...we are a cereal podcast that can bring you a new cereal before anyone else! It's pretty friggin' good, by the way! Danielle is along for the ride as we also try a great Malt-O-Meal knock-off and some incredibly awful coffee granola.

Andy's Just Not Into It Anymore
Andrew titled this one himself! We've been looking forward to the new Funfetti cereal for quite we like it??? We'll kill some time getting there. Then, Andrew spits out some of Mom's Best, and shocker! Another Kashi cereal...this one's transitional!

We tried so hard to have Danielle on this episode, but we just couldn't get the Zoom audio to work. You'd think that wouldn't be an issue with a Millennial on the show, right? Anywho...we'll finally try the new Star Wars Mandalorian Cereal from General Mills, plus some more listener supplied cereals from Wegmans and Amazon's Happy Belly.

It takes awhile, but Andrew finally triggers Scotty to dig out a cereal commercial from the 80's. Even if you are a millennial like Andrew, YOU have certainly heard of it. As far as eating, we'll follow Toucan Sam's nose, it always another Cascadian Farm cereal we probably won't like, and we'll travel to Korea for some Jolly Pong!