All Episodes

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Andy Is Back! (On Zoom)

In this mess of an episode, both Andrew and Danielle will join Scotty via Zoom for some craptastic audio! Danielle only has the new Elf On The Shelf Candy Cane Cookie Cereal, so, we'll go there first. Then we'll move on to some knock-off Aldi & Lidl cereals. One great, one...not so much.

Andy Misses Creme Pies

Sadly, Andrew was unable to be a part of this episode, so our friends Nate and Skeery hop on board to help out! Come along as we try the brand new Little Debbie Oatmeal Creme Pies Cereal from Kellogg's! Then we'll move on to a few HBOO from Mom's Best, and another from Lidl.

The Wonderworks Experience

It's named that because Andy said so. Scotty's title would have been better. In this episode, we'll try the yet to be released, brand new Keto cereal from General Mills called Wonderworks. We tried the Chocolate and Peanut Butter. If you like awful cereal or can't eat good cereal, you'll like this.

A Visit From Elmo

Danielle joins us this time around to check out the brand new Sesame Street Cereal from General Mills! Then, we'll move on to some generic Froot Loops from WalMart and another great Love Crunch granola variety!

Crunchy Kids

Another brand new, before you can buy it cereal review! In a first for Cheerios, there is actually something other than Os in the box...strawberries! Even Andrew likes them! Then onto another berry granola from Clif, and a Crunchberry knock-off from Millville. We were so busy feeding stale cereal to Andrew, we forgot to rate it...4 Bowls for Andrew, and 3 for Scotty.


Secret Squirrel Joel hooks us up with new DunkAroos Cereal from General Mills before it hits stores! Finally...we are a cereal podcast that can bring you a new cereal before anyone else! It's pretty friggin' good, by the way! Danielle is along for the ride as we also try a great Malt-O-Meal knock-off and some incredibly awful coffee granola.

Pair Of Pillows

An episode of all-listener supplied cereals from Whole Foods. Scotty is not thrilled at the beginning, but slowly comes around. The pillow cereals turn out to be pretty ok...the last one, however, not so much.


That's a big word...but it mean it's our 150th episode!!! Fireworks? Confetti? Celebration? Nah...none of that - Just Scotty & Andrew trying the much anticipated brand new Elf cereal from General Mills, along with some Halloween favorites, Spooky Froot Loops and Reese's Puffs Bats.

Who Eats Spelt?

Certainly many of you have never heard of Spelt...Andrew hasn't...but that's not saying much. We'll try some boring spelt flakes...then some more boring flakes from Kind, and a kinda ok granola from Cascadian Farm.

Josh's Frosted Rolls

Kind of a strange way to describe loops, but rolls it is! We'll try that new limited edition cereal exclusive to Buffalo, we'll check out another awful cereal from Barbara (why do we keep doing this??) and the just released Retro Recipe Golden Grahams!

Bursting With Nuts

The new one in this bunch may be a bit obscure, but it is pretty delicious! Then a very nutty cereal from Jordans, and something really awful from the west coast. Plus, this time Andrew will cram some stale Cereal Vault cereal down Scotty's pie hole.

Sit Andy Sit...Good Dog!

Yeah...Andrew didn't know what show Family Ties was, so it is imperative that he is messed with. On the cereal side, we'll try another new Kind cereal, and 2 different crisped rice cereals - one has to do with a dumb Koala, and the other a Wal-Mart rip off.

Watch This One! (Maybe)

Apparently, you should be able to watch this episode on YouTube...good luck! We'll try what Scotty thought was a fall cereal, along with an awesome cereal from Malt-O-Meal and some not so awesome granola from Cascadian Farm.

The Queen Returns

This episode's new cereal is a Puffins cereal from Barbara!!! Actually, it's not that bad! We'll also try another cereal from Jordans, and Mom's Best comes through yet again! Plus, we'll head into the cereal vault, and that won't end well.

Andy Just Can't Stop

Yeah...Scotty's a dope and thought it was 'Mindcraft'... it's not. This episode features the new MINECRAFT Cereal from Kellogg's, along with some organic stuff from Target, and a nasty supermarket bean cereal. Enjoy!

Andy's Just Not Into It Anymore

Andrew titled this one himself! We've been looking forward to the new Funfetti cereal for quite we like it??? We'll kill some time getting there. Then, Andrew spits out some of Mom's Best, and shocker! Another Kashi cereal...this one's transitional!

Andrew Doesn't Care

More examples that Andrew is just here for the "free" cereal (that Scotty pays for). Still no website, no show promotion and no cool merch. That's cool... you just sit over there on your millennial device as we try some Chocolate, Maple & Berry cereals.

Andy's Happy Belly

What a surprise! Another episode Andrew didn't record for YouTube! Oh long as his belly is happy...and it is with another cereal from Amazon. We'll also try another in the new line of Kind Cereals, and something we really wanted to like, from Engine 2 Foods.

New & Improved!

We're not being lazy, because these 3 cereals have changed their recipes, so technically, they are new! We'll relive Corn Pops, Chocolate Frosted Flakes, and our friends at Post have re-released Chips Ahoy Cereal...which we love!

Cheese Puffs

Did you even know Kind made cereal?? We just found out too. We'll try Apple Cinnamon today. Then on to some Far Out Fruities from Target's Market Pantry, and Barbara is back! Once again, Andrew thinks they taste like cheese puffs. They don't. He's a dope.

Na-Nu Na-Nu

We tried so hard to have Danielle on this episode, but we just couldn't get the Zoom audio to work. You'd think that wouldn't be an issue with a Millennial on the show, right? Anywho...we'll finally try the new Star Wars Mandalorian Cereal from General Mills, plus some more listener supplied cereals from Wegmans and Amazon's Happy Belly.

Mighty Fine

If you don't like hearing Scotty & Andrew bicker with each other, maybe skip this one. Probably would have been a good episode for Andrew to record for YouTube - oh well. This episode features a new Kashi by Kids Cereal, as well as another bland Greenwise, a nice visit from Barbara!

Time To Make The Donuts

Well, it took awhile, but we finally got our hands on the new Dunkin' Cereals. Our secret squirrel Joel hooked us up! Scotty isn't a fan of coffee flavored things, so we'll see how this goes. We'll also head back to the 90s for a bit to make Andrew crazy.

Nutin' Honey

It takes awhile, but Andrew finally triggers Scotty to dig out a cereal commercial from the 80's. Even if you are a millennial like Andrew, YOU have certainly heard of it. As far as eating, we'll follow Toucan Sam's nose, it always another Cascadian Farm cereal we probably won't like, and we'll travel to Korea for some Jolly Pong!