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Cookies & Candy For Breakfast!
We'll start off today with the new Cookie Butter cereal from WalMart! Next, a few generics...Captain Choco's, and Cinnacrunch Squares. Then a bonus box...they say KitKat Cereal is new & improved, and we'll let you know if it's true!

Bowl Chat - Much Ado About Nothing
Welp, it's another surprise Friday Bowl Chat so we don't have much to talk about... except... maybe some old song that Scotty remembers and also about Andrew's bird fear.

All That Glitters Might Be Gold
Post's Honey Bunches Of Oats goes Salted Caramel! We'll try one of the 3 boxes we have, then a listener supplied store brand of Mashmallow Glitters! And...we'll take those ratings down just a tad with Blueberry Vanilla Granola from Cascadian Farm.

Bowl Chat - Are We Making a Spin Off Podcast?
Scotty is out sick so they couldn't get to making a Cereal Killers this week. So we decided to give you all a Bowl Chat instead! Also, would you listen to our CHIPS recap podcast?

Bowl Chat - A Quick Recap of Our Vacations
Scotty and Andy are BACK! After two long weeks they sit down to recap their vacations... or Andy does because Scott was working and of course why would millenial Andy know ANYTHING about work!

Bowl Chat - Special Guest Ben Mandelker!
Ben Mandelker from Watch What Crappens joins Andy and Scott for a special hybrid episode of Bowl Chat!

Today we will try cereals that we've had before...kind of. Chocolatey Chocolate Lucky Charms from our friends at General Mills crams more chocolate than ever before into Lucky's pot 'o cocoa! Then some repackages Kellogg's Complete Bran, and on the other side of that sandwich is limited edition Summer Fruity Pebbles...Yabba Dabba Delicious!